
A Magic (IOT) Wand that can cast spells in your smart home!

This week’s post has a magical theme: a DIY “Magic Wand” that detects gestures and sends them via Bluetooth to control smart outlets.

This creation was developed by Sam Marsh and they provided an excellent walk-through of their process from start to finish. Whether or not you are interested in IOT (Internet of Things) or your home being smart connected, Sam’s genuine excitement and giddiness around this creation should nonetheless afford some inspiration to whatever your next electronics project might be. Let’s take a look at Sam’s video:

If you’d like to learn more about Bluetooth beacons as well as some of the other “magic” involved in Sam’s “internet of things” Wand, check out the article below, too: https://www.hackster.io/news/cast-spells-on-devices-with-this-magic-iot-wand-837084c4ff62

Do you have any ideas for making things work easier or differently in your home or life? A gadget that helps in the car or with work or ???

Perhaps Ohmify can help you bring your electronics projects and ideas to real life. We’d love to hear any of your IOT ideas, DIY dreams, and thoughts about Sam’s Magic IOT Wand in the comments below.

Have fun everyone 😃

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