
T-Relay-8 – An ESP32 board with 8 relays

LilyGo T-Relay-8 is an ESP32 WiFi & BLE board with eight 5V relays supporting up to 250V AC or 28V DC and a 16-pin GPIO extension header.

The board provides a more compact solution than the conventional two-board setups consisting of an ESP32 board and a separate 8-relay “Arduino” module, and it also incorporates optocouplers for enhanced safety.

The board may be programmed with the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO, and LilyGo provides instructions and code samples to control the relays through the Blynk IoT platform or a web server, in addition to a simpler blinking sample that turns the relays on and off in sequence. Users will need to connect the T-U2T dongle based on the CH9102 chip in order to program the ESP32 module, as is the case with many LilyGo boards.

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